In addition, the French publisher has released a new set of screenshots that can be viewed below. It is very simple to learn and it does not need a lot of resources for the graphics, so it is one of the most accessible and funny games.Ubisoft and Nadeo announced tioday the release of the PC racing game TrackMania 2 Valley The game is downloadable through its official website and via Steam. Trackmania 2 Canyon offers renewed graphics that the most loving of this games will love. Because of that, it is also included in the game a video editor so you can create your master works with all your best races. The races are going to be so much amazing that you will want to record them in video. A lot fo cars, actually, as you can compete with more than 100 other players and their cars in the multiplayer mode.

In little time, you will see how you move from a traditional race to be racing on a lateral wall, being upside down in amazing loops and jumping close to other cars. As it could not be another way, Trackmania 2 Canyon has a complete gallery of customizable circuits with multiple loops, ramps, lateral tracks, etc., and you will also be able to create your own circuits from zero thanks to its powerful editor and share them with other player through the service "Mania Planet" or Steam Workshop.

If you have already tried one of the titles of this franchise of Nadeo and Ubisoft, you will know that it is a racing game of the less common, where the driving escapes from the simulation to go to the most possible arcade fun, full of amazing circuits and vertigo jumps. In this case, "Canyon" allow us to enjoy at maximum with the races in arid and rocky environments. Trackmania 2 Canyonis a new version of the demo for Trackmania 2, which includes variants if the variants from Stadium y Valley.